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Testimonies >                                                     > ​Chow Yong Heng 

Leaders & Staff Testimonies
Mr. Chow Yong Heng 

I remember the days when I could not live without drugs, cigarettes and alcohol, and life was about making more money by any means and gang fights. It was a life without tomorrow and not cherished. 

I was addicted to drugs since 16 and spent more than 20 years in jail. Once I attended a prison Christmas celebration gathering. A Christian organisation was there to distribute Christmas presents. I was very pleased with the gift I received, which got me to wonder why Christians had so much love and where that love came from? Since then I would attend the Christian meetings occasionally but I was not interested in the gospel preached because my mind was fixed on how I would enjoy life once I was out of jail. It would be a life of drugs or getting rich through unlawful means. It was never about earning an honest living through hard work. I managed to stay away from drugs for 10 years but the moment I was tempted I would relapse. This continued till 2016 when I was arrested and jailed. That was when I started to read the Bible seriously, attend Christian meetings and listen to the pastors’ preaching with a strong desire for a change in life.

It was not until I came to Breakthrough Missions while on parole in 2017 did I realise how I had been so wrong. I had thought that I was free when I could resist drugs by my own will. I only knew after my conversion that genuine freedom is not about “being able to do what you want”. Instead it is about “being able to do what you do not wish to do”. I also became aware that my values were distorted and warped. When I understood the truth I gained true freedom and I could enjoy peace and joy in the Lord like never before. In addition, by God’s grace, my habits and living style were changed. I used to have a topsy-turvy life and all my friends were drug abusers. Now I lead a disciplined life in Breakthrough. I read God’s word daily with a yearning in my heart. Away from my drug addict friends, I now live in a community of former drug abusers who have been successfully rehabilitated. This gives me hope for a new life for myself.   

My life has changed. I now live to serve God with all my heart and all my strength. I currently work at Breakthrough Café, and through my position in the Cafe, I put God's teaching into practice and give care, help and support to my brothers at the Café. Wherever there is a need, I will extend my helping hand. For my own responsibilities I will do my utmost like I am doing it for the Lord. At the same time, one of my heart’s desires will always be to take care of my Breakthrough brothers, accompany them on this heavenly journey and help them live out a genuine spiritual life.